Our Food Ambassadors
Our Food Ambassadors are a diverse group of more than 40 activists from around the UK, campaigning both in their own communities and on a national level for the right of all people to be able to access healthy and affordable food.
Many have lived or living experience of food insecurity, and they range from secondary school students, parents and grandparents, to students and young working adults.
As part of the Food Ambassador volunteer programme, they attend events, meet with policy-makers, and undertake media interviews.
Want to become a Food Ambassador? Find out more here.
Food Ambassador Penny chairing an event in Parliament
Meet our Food Ambassadors

Asha understands the need for more support for low income single-parent families at risk of food poverty and campaigns passionately about the lifeline provided by Free School Meals, and the need for schools to be "poverty proofed" –e.g. for free water to be available for all children at schools.

As a mother of two from Hartlepool, I am deeply passionate about the vital role food plays in building strong communities. Growing up, I experienced the challenges of accessing affordable, nutritious food, which inspired me to become a Food Ambassador. Volunteering gives me the opportunity to advocate for food security, sustainability, and food justice while ensuring access to healthy, nutritious and affordable meals for the community.

Beth is a determined young campaigner focusing on delivering the Charter goals in her home in Wales and making sure children have equal access to good diets across the UK. She is a strong believer that food poverty is an issue that a highly developed country like the UK should not have to face and wants the Government to listen to young people to bring about change.

Hey I'm Caroline, A down to earth, happy grateful, straight to the point person, A mum to three amazing children with a career of children's entertainment and coffee under my belt, I love making wedding/birthday cakes, producing some cool window art, nails, hair, crafts, I love anything DIY from laying floors, decorating, making furniture and beds, there's not much I can't do, I cherish every second of it and I do it all with a huge smile, whilst feeling blessed despite having serious health issues. I also home-school my youngest child who has learning difficulties and is ASD. Not bad eh!
I would love to make a difference all round where food is concerned but especially around schools and families who struggle but also those of us that do home-school or have special needs and spend more time at home. As a child I couldn't make a big difference, or speak up, but having a very poorly parent meant I went without, surely someone could have helped, right?! Well as an adult I can help and I can push to ensure other children and adults alike don't go without, but we are louder together! We can push for healthier options and better quality. Alone, I know I can make a difference, as I have recently, imagine what we can, will and do already achieve, together!

Dan is a proud dad to his National Diversity Award winning daughter Emily who is a wheelchair user. As well as being a children’s author, columnist and broadcaster on the issues of Disability and care, he is also a policy and campaigns officer at Disability Rights UK. As well as being a carer, Dan is also neurodivergent and speaks about the challenges of having hidden disabilities in a disabling society.”

As well as being a Food Ambassador, Dev is Chair of the Leicester Young City Council and recently won the Diana award for his food poverty activism. Dev often speaks out on holiday hunger and Free School Meals himself. He feels strongly about the influence that junk food advertising on young people.

I am a single dad who lives in a council estate block in Kent. Surviving from universal credit, child benefit, and the free school meal vouchers Marcus Rashford passionately campaigned to extend, I discuss my experiences of poverty and food insecurity not only to provide an insight to professional bodies but also to campaign for change in policy so that the understanding and awareness of this inequality is deepened.

Hello there, my name is a Donna McHale, I’m a single mother to 3 handsome boys, Tom, 12, and twins Joe and Josh who are 11.
I’m excited to be part of the Food Ambassador Team and keen to help and support in any way I can.
I feel passionate about food, the cost the living and the little support to single parents.
I’ve recently been helping campaign for free school meals for all, and was approached by Juliet to see if I would be an ambassador and I’ve jumped at the chance.

Fayeth is a young carer and her mum and her are both epileptic. She and her little sisters are all on Free School Meals and Fayeth volunteers at her local foodbank. Fayeth speaks about food insecurity in the context of health vulnerability, and would like to see all children across all UK nations have equal access to food.

Gianna was on Free School Meals, she studies nutrition at school, so is passionate about making sure all children both get enough food and that it is good quality. Gianna believes any remaining credit on Free School Meal cards should be rolled over accumulated, so children have more opportunity buy the more expensive, healthier options at the school canteen.

Gino Obaseki is a dedicated Food Ambassador for The Food Foundation UK, committed to advocating for food security and equitable access to nutritious food. With a rich background in community engagement and leadership, Gino has spearheaded initiatives such as "Feed_1000, "Feed_5000" and the "Clean Water Project," positively impacting thousands. His passion for food activism stems from a desire to combat food insecurity and promote sustainable practices. Gino, based in Glasgow, brings extensive experience in advocacy and community development to his role.

Hello! This is Glory Omoaka, a mum of two, an activist and an agent of change who has sat at a roundtable and kitchen table with politicians, local authorities, community members and charities organisations especially refugee-led organisations to accelerate changes in the things that matters to us all as a community and society in general. I work in the healthcare sector because of my passion to help the vulnerable. I have used my lived experience and my voice to contribute to changes. Finally, because I love cooking, and healthy food that is acceptable, available and affordable, I have decided to join other Food Ambassadors to challenge or contribute to policies that will ensure a sustainable food system that is delivered in a dignified manner.

Jacob is a Scottish activist who campaigns for change in his own nation as well as his country. From campaigning at the Scottish Parliament to making changes in his own city Jacob is determined to change politicians' minds for the better and for the future generations.

Jani has grown up in a single-parent home and has felt the brunt of a diet based on cheaper processed foods like pizzas and little to no fruit and vegetables. She speaks out about hunger affecting young people’s concentration at school and preventing them from achieving their goals, like playing sport, due to lack of energy.

Kathleen Kerridge is an office manager and freelance writer from Portsmouth, and has been campaigning against Food Insecurity since January 2015 when she personally faced the realities of Food Poverty in modern Britain.

A single mum who experienced food insecurity in the past (as a young adult and a parent). What helps her to navigate the convoluted food environment are her knowledge in nutrition and budgeting skills. Nevertheless, being a registered Associate Nutritionist while living in a deprived area is not enough - she wants to see less junk food around as both she and her daughter see the impact of it. She would like the school food to be nutritionally adequate, also food lessons in schools to teach practical skills reflecting the current reality, and healthier food to be the cheaper, easier and fairer option.

I know what it is like to be in receipt of Free School Meals and this is why I joined the Food Foundation as a young Food Ambassador, campaigning to create a healthier, more affordable and sustainable food system for all. I am on the Barnet Council’s youth board, a Young Conservative and also active in mental health groups across the UK.

I became a Food Ambassador because I felt more needed to be done regarding food insecurity in one of the richest countries on earth. I wanted to do a little more and see where I could contribute. I saw people going to odds to obtain food and on the flip side watching others squander and waste food/ energy which means there's a gap and a major problem is education around this. I felt more could be done.
Based in London and over 35 years old.

Food Poverty Campaigner wanting everybody to have access to healthy food.

Ryan is a politically minded campaigner, acting as a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament and advocating for children in care. He is very strong speaking on the policy changes needed to protect children’s right to healthy and affordable food, and wants to make sure the good practice taking place in Scotland in relation to the monitoring of school food is adopted throughout the UK.

Saf speaks out about the struggles of autistic young people with food and particularly the impact of food insecurity on children on the spectrum. Saf feels strongly about families paying too much for unhealthy food and wants healthy food to be cheaper and more accessible. They have received The Jamie Oliver Good School Food Awards 2023.

I’m a mum of 2 children under 2. I live in Cornwall. I want to dedicate my free time as a Food Ambassador because I know firsthand how much of a struggle it is to be able to afford formula milk, fruit and veg, not for 1 baby, but for 2, to push through and put others first and go without.

I am a Food Ambassador because I believe in food justice and change. I believe we can be doing a lot more in the UK to tackle this crisis and I want to be part of a movement that sticks up for our most vulnerable children.

I took on the role of food ambassador as a way to get more involved within the community. To me, a problem with the food system is a problem with the functioning of our country. I want to leverage my experience, networks and expertise to reduce this inefficiency.

I became a Food Ambassador as I saw the issues going on in the UK regarding poverty. It really struck me to help people become more engaged and understand what it really is. At this moment in time, a few of us are working on awareness packs to highlight what food poverty is from a young persons perspective to share with others.

My name is Wena, an adult ambassador based in Scottland. I volunteer at a foodbank, and this opened up my interest on what is good food? What is nutritious and why good and nutritious food is the key for good health. As an advocate, I strive for policies making this food affordable and available, educating the end users (consumers) on the need.

Yumna is a student advocate and campaigner, elected as Youth MP for Birmingham and Chair of Birmingham Youth Council as well as being an Act4ood, Act4Change Youth Leader. Her fight for an inclusive healthcare system has led her to facilitate numerous sessions with professionals to address healthcare inequalities and speak at national conferences, fuelling her desire to learn more about global and public health. A recent TEDx speaker, ‘Re-Imagining Education To Create An Impact In The World’, Yumna works with organisations focussed on transforming the education system into one that is equitable, inclusive, decolonised and centres the views of learners.

Zahistha, is a UK Registered Associate Nutritionist and a Diabetes Educator who came to the UK as an International student and first hand experienced the struggle to manage finances and feed herself proper food. She focusses on voicing out for the international community in the UK, facing food and nutrition insecurity.
Meet our Young Food Ambassadors
Aged between 14 and 18, and in school or college, our young ambassadors have been campaigning for Government to act to stop child food poverty and give every child access to a healthy and affordable diet.

Nutritional food should not be a privilege but a guaranteed right for all young people. As a young ambassador, I am committed to advocating for the most vulnerable in society, speaking up for those who are too often dismissed and overlooked. Every young person deserves access to healthy food that fuels their potential, which is why I am dedicated to bridging the gap between policymakers and those directly impacted by their decisions. Children deserve to grow up in a community where they can thrive, not just survive.

At many schools, meals lack the nutrition children need to thrive academically and physically, perpetuating cycles of inequality. No child should have their future determined by what’s on their plate.
As a young person with lived experience, I hope to engage directly with policymakers, including members of the child poverty task-force, to highlight the urgent need for universal access to free, healthy school meals. Only by addressing these inequalities can we build a society where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

I became a young food ambassador because I am passionate about helping to end child hunger and to provide a voice for those in need, having a positive impact and giving them a better future.

The phrase 'The sky is the limit' highlights how opportunities differ based on privilege; for many, that limit' is not the same. Child poverty causes this, it affects social mobility, educational attainment, and overall physical and mental wellbeing. Every child in the country should be allowed to have a hot, free school meal at lunch regardless of their postcode. The playing field is completely unfair, and as a result, we are being let down by the policy makers and people we trust to make the best decisions for us.

Debbie wants to change the food environment for children in cities, which in more deprived areas often offers lots of cheap, unhealthy options and not enough fresh, healthy food that’s affordable for families.

The reason why I decided to become a Young Food Ambassador is so I can be apart of changing our nation’s health by inciting change to our flawed food system especially in more affected areas that cheapen the food quality.

Hasan became a youth campaigner due to his strong belief that no child should go to sleep hungry. He wants to do as much as he can to help young people in a society he feels allows the 'rich to get richer' and the 'poor to get poorer'.

I became a Young Food Ambassador because I want to be part of a team who helps families and young people have the right to food.

I became a Young Food Ambassador because I hate the phrase 'You are too young'. If I want I can do anything and no I am not too young to do anything. If I have to stand up for my fellow humans throughout the UK who are struggling with food problems I will.

I became a Young Food Ambassador when I’m 14 because I want people to hear my side of the story around food poverty. I grew up in a single parent household with my dad raising my older brother and me. We had free school meals up until 2022 and had to cut back so we could afford other things.

Hello, I am a high school student, who is passionate about changing the food industry and the school meal system. To this day, much of the industry and many school meals, like those at my school, are unhealthy and provide little to no nutrition. So, as a part of the Food Foundation, I will fight for healthier and free school meals for everyone and make healthy eating a staple for future generations.

I am a passionate advocate for free, nutritious school meals for all students. Growing up in a diverse community, I have witnessed the challenges of unhealthy food in school canteens during this crucial stage of life. I firmly believe that no child should have to study on an empty stomach or rely on low-nutrition meals. Through my activism, I hope to create a future where every student has access to healthy, balanced, and free school meals.

I joined Children's Right2Food because I believe that it's every family and young person's right to have access to affordable, nutritional food no matter what their income is. So I joined to give awareness on food poverty that is going on in my community and others.

I have decided to campaign because I recognise the positive impact it will bring to not only our community but everyone else around the country and globe. I also want to spread the belief that no one is ever too young to make a difference or even contribute towards a better future.

Hi, my name is Rylee. I live in Somerset, I am 14 years old, and I am new to the role of Young Food Ambassador. I am excited about this role as I can see how I could help people understand food better and raise awareness about food poverty. I have been involved in campaigning to improve school meals, which is important to me as I attend an agricultural school. It's important to set an example to ensure no child goes hungry and that they have access to good, nutritional food.

The reason why I wanted to become a Young Food Ambassador is because I am really passionate about people having a voice. It makes me feel like I am using my voice in a respectful manner and sticking up for people. My goal is to end child hunger by allowing and campaigning on Free School Meals.

My name is Tymek Kiliszek. I live in Devon, and I am 16 years old. I have been a Young Food Ambassador since 2022. Since taking on this role, I have campaigned for everyone to have access to nutritious and affordable school meals.
I have spoken to the Department of Education about this issue, and I have also addressed the additional costs of school meals in the House of Commons as the Youth MP for North Devon. I want to make sure that no young person is left hungry or unable to thrive.

Yusuf is a passionate campaigner dedicated to addressing food poverty and promoting sustainable, equitable food systems for all. As a Food Ambassador, he leverages his extensive leadership experience to advocate for improved policies and practical solutions that tackle the root causes of food insecurity. With a history of working alongside organisations such as the Department for Education, UNICEF, and the London Boroughs of Redbridge and Haringey, Yusuf brings a unique perspective to his mission of ensuring that no young person goes without access to nutritious, affordable food.
Yusuf has held influential roles, including Youth MP, Ambassador for the Children’s Commissioner, and European Member of Youth Parliament. He has worked on critical campaigns through the Redbridge Youth Council, Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee, and Pan London Children in Care Council. His contributions include collaborating with Leaders Unlocked, Aspire, and Partnership for Young London to amplify young voices in the fight against food poverty.
Through his work with organisations like the Smoking and Vaping Board and the London Youth Games Youth Board, Yusuf has focused on creating healthier communities. His advocacy spans initiatives with Coram Voice, BEYOND, and World Class Schools Quality Mark, all aimed at empowering young people and addressing systemic inequalities. Yusuf’s extensive experience and dedication make him a strong advocate for creating a food system that prioritises accessibility, sustainability, and dignity for all.
Get Involved
Are you interested in becoming a Food Ambassador?
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at FoodAmbassadors@foodfoundation.org.uk introducing yourself and explaining why you would like to volunteer at The Food Foundation. You can do this in writing (no more than 300 words), by sending a voice recording or on a video. If you have any questions, just let us know! We're happy to help.
One of our events at OmVed Gardens
Our story so far
Our work with Food Ambassadors was kicked off by the Children's Future Food Inquiry in 2018, which was the first attempt in the UK to speak directly to children and young people about their experience of food and how it affects their lives.
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The Children’s Future Food Inquiry was launched in 2018 as the first attempt to speak directly and systematically to children, young people and those who live and work with them about children’s experience of food and how it affects their lives.
The Inquiry was spearheaded by a cross-party parliamentary committee and led by partners in each of the devolved nations: Food Sense Wales, Children in Wales, Children in Scotland and Children in Northern Ireland.

The outcome of the Inquiry was the hugely successful Children’s Right2Food Campaign. Our Young Food Ambassadors created a Children’s Right2Food Charter, which they delivered to 10 Downing Street, with actress Dame Emma Thompson who supported the campaign.
Children's Right2Food - The Story So Far
It also lead to the creation of The Food Foundation’s Right2Food podcast, which was later awarded the Guild of Food Writers 2021 Award for Investigative Journalism for exploring the human stories behind the Covid-19 statistics on food poverty across the UK.
They delivered their Right2Food Charter to
10 Downing Street
with Dame Emma Thompson who supported the campaign.
Our Young Food Ambassadors also worked with Premier League footballer Marcus Rashford in 2020 on the #EndChildFoodPoverty campaign, which led to £220 million being provided by the government for Holiday Activity and Food programmes around the UK.

They joined
Marcus Rashford’s
campaign to make sure no child in the UK went hungry.
Kathleen was our very first adult Food Ambassador. She was an established activist and came on board to work with us in 2019.
Dominic and Dan joined us in 2021, and amongst other things, began writing blogs for our Breadline Voices series. Since then, our group of Food Ambassadors has been growing, and now cover every region of the UK.
Kathleen at our Veg Summit in 2018
Between them they have appeared on the Radio 4's Today programme, on ITV News, BBC Newsnight, Sky News, and on numerous podcasts. They have been quoted in The Guardian, The Financial Times, given evidence to government Select Committees.
They have also judged awards, spoken at webinars and workshops, and been part of many parliamentary events and media stunts.
For any queries about our Food Ambassador programme, please contact our Citizen Engagement Manager at lucy.heyderman@foodfoundation.org.uk
Current activities