Veg Summit Series 2021

09:00 - 17:00
Ahead of COP26 this November, and with 2021 the UN’s International Year of Fruit and Vegetables, transitioning UK diets towards more sustainable and healthy dietary patterns is firmly on political and business agendas.
The Peas Please Veg Summit Series 2021 included events across all four UK nations, hosted by the Peas Please partnership, to explore the role of veg as a part of this transition. We showcased examples of best practice, considered ways in which policymakers can support the transition, and celebrated all things veg.
Click below to view recordings of the events held in each of the four nations!
UK wide
Join us at River Cottage with our host Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall as he announces the winners and runners up of the Peas Please Prizes 2021 for progress over 2019/2020 across 7 categories.
Click here to watch the event
Click here to watch the event

Join us at River Cottage for a discussion with Defra Minister Victoria Prentis MP, Baroness Rosie Boycott, Prof Alan Dangour (LSHTM), Sarah Bradbury (Tesco), and Charlotte Cool (Compass Group) about what more we can do to change diets and accelerate veg consumption.
Click here to watch the event

Gyda dim ond ¼ o ddogn o lysiau yn cael ei dyfu fesul person y dydd yng Nghymru; gydag argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus, a hinsawdd a natur, a chyda buddsoddiad sylweddol wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer Cymru dros y 10-15 mlynedd nesaf trwy Fargeinion Twf, Bargeinion Dinas a mecanweithiau cyllido’r DU, bydd Synnwyr Bwyd Cymru yn gofyn i banel o arbenigwyr, gan gynnwys addunedwyr Pys Plîs, i drafod a ddylai garddwriaeth fod yn rhan o’r “fargen”.
Due to technical difficulties the recording of this session is unavailable.
Hyrwyddwyr Llysiau Pys Plîs yn arwain sesiwn gyda llunwyr polisi ac addunedwyr Pys Plîs i drafod y math o syniadau y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru fod yn eu hystyried yn yr ymgynghoriad sydd ar ddod yn ymwneud â’r Amgylchedd Bwyd.
Click here to watch the event
Ffres! Wales Festival of Vegetables was a two-week festival of events, activities and content celebrating growing, eating, on the ground action and enjoyment all things veg in Wales.
Mae Ffres! Gŵyl Lysiau Cymru yn bythefnos o ddigwyddiadau, gweithgareddau a chynnwys sy’n rhad ac am ddim a fydd yn dathlu tyfu, bwyta, gweithredu a mwynhau llysiau yng Nghymru.
Watch all the sessions here

Northern Ireland
Due to technical difficulties the recording of this session is unavailable.
Due to technical difficulties the recording of this session is unavailable.

Click here to watch the event
Click here to watch the event
Click here to watch the event
Moo Food presentation here, Earth in Common presentation here & Green Health and Garden Project presentation here.
This was an invitation only event
Contact for more information