Our reaction to Labour's election victory

Labour election win

The Food Foundation is looking forward to working with the new government to address the urgent challenges facing the country such as the declining health of children and the impact of climate change on the environment and our food security.

The Labour Party's first 100 days in power will present a unique opportunity to implement new policies and immediate actions aimed at nourishing our nation, which are crucially important as identified on our A Neglected Generation: Reversing the decline in children's health report.

Reacting to the results, our Executive Director Anna Taylor said: "We can’t wait to start working with the new Labour government to improve food policy so we can address the urgent challenges to children’s health, tackle inequalities and reduce the environmental impact of our food system.

"Now is the time to set out a bold agenda for change; everyone in this country deserves a food system which helps us to live well, now and in the future."


Our Food Ambassador Grace, 16, from London said: "I would love to see the new government pledge to make it more accessible to eat sustainably.

"Commitment to the transformation of our food system to a healthier and more sustainable future needs to be seen.

"One cost-free policy the government could adopt isto provide subsidies for organic farming. This would incentivise farmers to switch to more sustainable practices and make organic produce more affordable for consumers.

"Additionally, the government could invest in education and awareness campaigns to promote the benefits of sustainable eating and provide resources for individuals to make informed choices.

"By taking these steps, the government can play a crucial role in creating a food system that is not only healthier for individuals but also for the planet."

Read our Manifesto and 10 Cost Free Policies to learn what we'd like to see happen next. We've also produced a series of briefings covering Advertising and Promotions, Healthy Start and First Infant FormulaHorticulture, Healthy Start and Fruit and VegFree School Meals, Benefits and Wage Levels and Mandatory Reporting.

Have you watched our animated video highlighting a positive image of the food system? We're asking you to share your ideas about what can be done to improve the health of citizens and the planet.

To hear what leading figures working within the food industry and investors would like to see happen next reading our Lobbying for Good blog series (scroll down to the Our work so far section). 

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