FOOD CITIES 2022 - Learning Platform
A learning platform for cities committed to food system transformation
Cities are in a unique position to drive change in regional food systems.
This learning platform provides an accessible directory of information for those working on transforming urban food system.
The platform is part of the Food Cities 2022 initiative and partnership. Through the partnership, a core group of cities in low to middle income countries are supported
to develop their food strategy and policies.

Learning Platform

July Features
Opinion: Food system reform is key for climate and these LMICs know it
Global Alliance for the Future of Food find that most countries are not taking food seriously enough in their NDCs on emmision reductions, except a few LMICs
Get it Toolgether: Assessing Your Food Council's Ability to Do Policy Work
Evaluate your current performance or learn more about the process of working on food policy using a stakeholder model.
Food to the Rescue: DC Central Kitchen (Washington D.C., USA)
Programs focused on reducing hunger, food waste, empowering communities, and creating meaningful career opportunities for at-risk individuals.
The Food Economy: Food Cities 2022 partners present
Pune, Mzuzu, Birmingham and Rajkot present their cities and work in relation to the food economy
Learn more about the partnership and how to get involved
Food Cities 2022 Learning Partnership is an exciting new initiative that supports cities to develop and implement city led food policies and action plans. We are building a network of cities who are developing their food agendas, with a particular focus on low to middle income countries in the Commonwealth. Through the partnership, we will be offering responsive support and advice through a combination of events, resources, peer-to-peer learning and access to experts. See here for the Food Cities 2022 Concept Note.
Cities who join the Food Cities Learning Partnership will receive the following benefits:
- Templates for policy briefings, action plans and strategies
- Access to the learning platform which will host webinars and activities in the run up to the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham (2022)
- Active participation in events and an opportunity to present challenges, opportunities and expertise
- Advocacy support to secure senior leadership commitment and resources to encourage political buy-in
- Opportunities for peer-to-peer learning as well as mentoring by partnership organisations
- Participation in international meetings such as COP26, UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), MUFPP, Nutrition For Growth and the Commonwealth Games which will be held in Birmingham, UK
- Introductions to national and international policy makers and agencies to support food policy development and implementation
The Learning Partnership model was initially piloted in the BINDI project, a partnership between Birmingham, UK and Pune, India. The success of this project led to the Food Cities 2022 Learning Partnership. You can read more about BINDI and the lessons learnt here.
Contact to express your interest in becoming a partner city.