We analyse the Green Party manifesto

The Green Party manifesto

The Food Foundation responds to the Green Party's manifesto, launched by co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay at an event in Brighton and Hove. 

Key commitments include reviving the National Food Strategy abolishing the two-child benefit limit and extending access to Free School Meals.  

Our Executive Director Anna Taylor said: "The Green Party manifesto makes strong commitments to reduce poverty by raising the minimum wage to £15 an hour, uplifting Universal Credit and abolishing the two-child benefit imit.

"The Green Party also has a very strong policy on providing nutritious free school meals to all school children alongside free breakfast clubs for primary school children.

"These policies would significantly reduce the high levels of food insecurity that we see in modern Britain and guarantee every child a hot meal every day.

"We welcome the proposal to revive the National Food Strategy with the acknowledgement of the huge cost of poor diets to our NHS as a result of failing to take on the unhealthy food lobby.

"We hope that all political parties will recognise we must now prioritise people’s health over the profits of global food companies.

"However, the Green Party proposals do lack any specific commitments to end the junk food cycle. We are, for instance, calling on all political parties to ensure healthy food like fruit and veg are given more prominence in advertising space instead of junk food.

"The Green’s aim to grow and trade more food in the UK is essential for sustainability and food security.

"Accompanying this with increased domestic fruit and vegetable production, while reducing meat and dairy production, as suggested in this manifesto, is a necessary and unavoidable step in tackling climate change, which is already leading to volatile food prices in the UK."

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  • We'll be reviewing the manifestos of the other main parties as they are released so keep an eye on our social media channels for updates.

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