Investor Coalition chair gives evidence to House of Lords committee

House of Lords committee

The chair of The Investor Coalition on Food Policy gave evidence at the House of Lords Food, Diet and Obesity Committee yesterday.

Sophie Lawrence, Stewardship and Engagement Lead at Greenbank, was called as an expert witness alongside Charlie Bigham, Founder of Charlie Bigham’s and Andrew Opie, Director of Food and Sustainability at the British Retail Consortium.

They had been invited to answer questions about the food the industry may have played in diet and obesity trends.


  • Watch in the session in full here
  • Read the full transcript of written evidence here

The committee was set up in February to consider the role of foods, such as ‘ultra-processed foods’, and foods high in fat, salt and sugar, in a healthy diet and tackling obesity. It has been inviting experts, citizens and organisations to submit their views on the issues and is due to publish a report with recommendations after the upcoming General Election.

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