Fruit & Vegetable Alliance
A vision for UK horticulture

Peas Please helped to establish, and now supports, the Fruit and Vegetable Alliance which is a diverse group of producer organisations and charities who are unified by a desire to get the nation eating more fruit and vegetables. Through its work, the Alliance is striving to increase UK production and consumption.
Current membership
Organic Farmers and Growers, Asplins, British Apples and Pears, The Soil Association, The Food Foundation/Peas Please, Sustain, CSA Network UK, Land workers Alliance, Lantra – Tyfu Cymru.
In March 2023 the Fruit and Vegetable Alliance produced 'Cultivating Success: Priorities for increasing sustainable production to meet growing demand' to support the development of a government Horticulture Strategy. The document reflects the Alliance's priorities for how the government can support the growth of the horticulture sector and efforts to increase UK fruit and vegetable production and consumption.
In May 2023 the Alliance made the decision to resign from participation in the Edible Horticulture roundtable with Defra after the government made the decision to withdraw their commitment to produce a Horticulture Strategy, which had been committed to in the 2022 Food Strategy. You can read the letter below.