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About the movement
More than half the world’s population are under the age of 30. As it currently stands, these young people are at risk of inheriting a planet that will be over four degrees warmer. This will threaten the availability and nutritional quality of what they eat, the air they breathe and the communities they live in. The Food Foundation and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) are supporting a group of youth food activists from all over the world to grow a movement campaigning for a global food system which provides everyone with access to safe, affordable and nutritious diets, while simultaneously protecting nature, tackling climate change and promoting human rights.
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The Act4Food Act4Change campaign starts with a simple pledge and list of actions. The pledge brings together young people from around the world to focus on their personal actions as a contribution to food systems change. The “Actions 4 Change” are a list of actions that young people want businesses and policy makers around the world to take in order to fix our broken food system. This list has been developed as part of a global youth consultation where over 100,000 young people from nearly 100 countries have selected their priority Actions 4 Change.
The Actions 4 Change manifesto is an important advocacy tool as young people urge Governments and businesses in their own countries to take action. Our vision is to put young people at the forefront of food systems transformation and, over the course of the next 10 years, enable them to work with today’s leaders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

What are the Actions 4 Change?
The Actions 4 Change which are a list of actions young people want governments and business to take to fix our food system. This list has been created by youth and voted on by over 100,000 young people globally!

1. Everyone should be able to afford healthy and nutritious food

2. Back sustainable farming to regenerate our soils and reduce damaging chemicals

3. Every child should eat a healthy and sustainable meal at school, college or nursery

4. Educate everyone about food and its impact on our planet and our health

5. Stop and reverse land-use conversion, including deforestation

6. Ban single-use plastics in food and drink packaging

7. Value local and indigenous food knowledge

8. Create employment for young farmers and agri-preneurs

9. Protect food production from political disruption, conflicts and the effects of climate change

10. Support local growers and food producers with subsidies and tax incentives