Parliamentary event: The case for measuring UK household food-insecurity

Tue, 08 November 2016
10:00 - 11:00

On Tuesday the 8th of November the Food Foundation, Sustain, Food Research Collaboration and Dr. Rachel Loopstra convened an interactive session in Parliament as part of the ESRC Festival of Science exploring why, and how, household food insecurity could be measured in the UK.

This session aimed to:

  • Promote routine national measurement and monitoring of household food insecurity in the UK;
  • Review current activity around quantitative and qualitative measurements of household food insecurity in the UK.

On arrival, guests were given two new policy briefings.  The first sets out the public policy rationale for measuring household food insecurity, while the second provides practical guidance on how this could best be implemented.


  • Anna Taylor Executive Director, The Food Foundation
  • Dr. Rachel Loopstra, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford

Watch the full event here: 

Remote video URL

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