The Broken Plate 2021 Launch Webinar

Wed, 07 July 2021
11:43 - 12:43
11:43 - 12:43
On 7th July we welcomed a large audience to the launch of The Broken Plate 2021. The Broken Plate is our flagship report where each year we track progress against 10 metrics that illustrate the health of our food system.
This year's report was our third annual Broken Plate report. In it we demonstrate that the food environment is skewed towards less healthy options, and that healthier foods are much less accessible and affordable for those on lower incomes. It powerfully shows why we must change the food environment so that it delivers healthy and sustainable diets for everyone.
Chaired by:
- Laura Sandys CBE
- Introduction – Anna Taylor, The Food Foundation
- Advertising – Barbara Crowther, Sustain
- Affordability of a healthy diet – Kathleen Kerridge, Chair of The Food Foundation’s Lived Experience Panel
- The cost of food – Dr Jean Adams, CEDAR
- Places to buy food – Rebecca Tobi, The Food Foundation
- Products with too much sugar – Dr Kawther Hashem and Sonia Pombo, Action on Sugar
- Products with too little veg – Simon Billing, Eating Better
Watch the recording here