Dietary Inequalities

We work to tackle inequalities in the food system as experienced by low-income groups, children, and other groups at particular risk of poor dietary outcomes.

Key Stats

14% of households experienced food insecurity in June 2024 affecting approximately 7.2 million adults.  

See our Food Insecurity Tracker for more

18% of households with children experienced food insecurity in June 2024 affecting an estimated 2.7 million children

See our Food Insecurity Tracker for more

Food price inflation decreased to 1.5% in the 12 months to July 2024. 

See our latest Food Prices Blog for more

The cost of a Basic Basket of food has increased approximately 26% since the beginning of April 2022. 

See our Basic Basket Tracker for more

The poorest fifth of UK households would need to spend 50% of their disposable income on food to meet the cost of the Government-recommended healthy diet. This compares to just 11% for the richest fifth.  

See our Broken Plate report for more

More healthy foods are over twice as expensive as per calorie as less healthy foods.  

See our Broken Plate report for more

900,000 children living in poverty in England do not qualify for Free School Meals



See our Feed the Future Campaign for more

Children in the most deprived tenth are about twice as likely to have obesity as the least deprived tenth. 

See our Children's Right2Food Dashboard for more

One in five children have overweight or obesity in their first year of school

See our Children's Right2Food Dashboard for more

Healthy life expectancy is 18 years less for men and 19 years less for women in the most deprived tenth compared to the least deprived tenth

See our latest Broken Plate Report for more

21% of places to buy food in the least deprived fifth of local authorities are fast-food outlets compared with 31% in the most deprived fifth.

See our latest Broken Plate report for more

Obesity among 10 and 11-year-olds has increased by 30% since 2006.

See Our Children's Right2Food Dashboard For More

42% of households on Universal Credit experienced food insecurity in June 2024.

See our Food Insecurity Tracker for more

60% of food insecure households have cut down on buying fruit and 44% have cut down on buying veg in January 2024

See our Food Insecurity Tracker for more

Households with someone limited a lot by disability are more than three times as likely to experience food insecurity as households with no disabilities in June 2024

See our Food Insecurity Tracker for more

Type 2 diabetes among under 25s has increased by 22% in the past five years. 

Read Our Neglected Generation Report For More

Babies born today will enjoy a year less good health than babies born a decade ago

Read Our Neglected Generation Report For More

The height of 5-year-olds has been falling since 2013.

Read Our Neglected Generation Report For More

Single adult households with children were nearly twice as likely to be food insecure than multi adult households with children in June 2024.

See Our latest Broken Plate Report For More

17% of single adult households with children reported not eating for a whole day because they couldn't afford or access food in January 2024. 

See Our Food Insecurity Tracker For More

To ensure that everyone can eat well during the cost of living crisis, The Food Foundation are calling for: 

  1. Urgent action to ensure that all children in poverty have access to at least one nutritious meal a day at school by expanding the provision of Free School Meals to all children on Universal Credit

  2. Government to set minimum wage and benefits levels at a value that takes into account the cost of a healthy diet and other essentials.

  3. Action by retailers to make it easier for people to afford the food they need and rebalance the cost of a basic shopping basket to make the healthy options the most affordable.  

Our current work in this area is funded by

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