MP briefing
MP Briefing

MP Briefing: Protecting Vulnerable Children's Diets 2020

This briefing paper sets out the current statistics on food insecurity amongst families and children and suggests that a careful and very targeted investment in three existing schemes (as recommended in the recent National Food Strategy commissioned by the Government, and as promoted by Marcus Rashford and his Child Food Poverty Task Force) would be a quick and well-evidenced way to begin tackling the problem. These schemes would also have other benefits – improving the long-term health and resilience of the population, reducing childhood obesity, improving children’s academic performance, supporting parents to stay in work during the holidays, and easing the strain on the welfare system. The programs align closely with the Government’s commitments to address inequalities and ‘level-up’ disadvantaged communities, spend £1billion on childcare to support parents, and help the country recover from Covid-19.

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